Do you get Stressed while Writing the Exam?? If yes, don’t worry. You are not alone! The most common advice that we have to offer to our Students as a Real Estate Education Institute is how to Manage Real Estate Exam Stress. But believe us, Real Estate Exam Stress is Real!
In the previous parts of the series, we saw some stress management techniques for your exam preparations as well as some tips for the exam day.
Now, the time comes when you are actually attempting your real estate exam. Managing exam stress while you are writing the exam is apparently the most important thing you can come across as it can make or break your result. After all, you have been preparing for this moment since all this time. We have thus, come up with the most effective stress management techniques to implement – while you are writing your real estate exams.
Let’s have a look –
To list a few, below are some of the most effective Exam Tips that we discussed.
1. Arrive Well Rested

Rather than counting the exam day as the final day to prepare for the exam writing, count it from a day prior to that. If you are writing your exam tomorrow, you need to make sure that you get a good night’s sleep a night before writing the exam. It’s very important that you go into the exam hall well rested. It will help you to focus thoroughly on the exam questions and help you recall your study materials faster. We suggest not to cram too much a night before the exam because that is not going to help. This is one of the most important points which will help you manage your exam time effectively.
2. Read All the Instructions Carefully

Any Exam can come with a Pre-set of Rules and Instructions that needs to be followed in order to give the exam legally. Note and follow the Pre-Exam Instructions carefully. It is mandatory to abide by the set guidelines so make sure they are followed accurately. Any unethical, lousy, or unprofessional behavior can result in serious penalties and fines.
3. Do NOT Rush!

Rushing while writing is a good sign of anxiety. Rushing in attempting the exam can make you overlook important points that you might know. This might lead you to select wrong answers, especially if it is a multiple-choice question. You have to think carefully before answering the question, read the question properly and may be more than twice to make sure to understand the questions. There may be some tricks to confuse you. So you need to make sure whatever answers you are selecting are the ones that you want to select.
4. Manage Exam Anxiety

Anxiety increases our stress levels and heart rate. It can make you jittery and can make you forget your preparations and learnings. It is advised to stay as calm as possible so that you can focus at your best during the exam. Some tips to remain stress-free are listening to mild melodies and soft music for 2 to 5 minutes, avoiding last minute revisions or helping a friend in solving some doubts to boost your confidence levels. These tactics work in most scenarios.
5. Stay Hydrated

Water is an important energy source for your brain. In fact, it can be more important than food on many grounds. We advice to carry a bottle of water to the exam hall as well. So that you have water at small intervals. This will get your brain the required amount of oxygen to function on regular levels. During the exam, you have to make sure you do everything that helps you keep your brain active, because that is one thing you need the most.
6. Manage Long Exam Durations

Other than being stressful, exams can be tiring. You are using all your energy, focus and retention powers to give your best during an exam. This can be quite exhausting. Especially, if the exam lasts for more than an hour. Real Estate Exam typically last for 2 to 3 hours. Thus, managing your exam durations is important. You can stretching your legs, hands and neck, drink water and get freshen up by going to a washroom if time permits. This can really help you stay calm and focus more with a refreshed mind.
7. Apply the Process of Elimination

This is very important for Exams that have a question format of Multiple-choice. Sometimes the questions asked and the options given are tricky, If possible, you can apply the Elimination Method to answer questions. It is simply looking for the options that you know are not true. Eventually, you will left with an option that is the answer. If you are still not sure, you can take a guess for an option that you feel correct. There are no negative markings for the wrong answers in the Real Estate Exam. So its in our best interest to attempt the question somehow rather than leaving it all together.
8. Skip Questions

This is another important tactic to save time and increase your efficiency while you are writing the exam. If you feel you don’t know the answer to a certain question, its best that you skip that question for now and attempt all other questions that you are confident about at first. Keeping difficult questions at the end of the exam helps save time, plus you don’t spend too much time thinking and worrying about the question that you are not sure.
9. Final Review

Once you are done with all the questions, it is advised to take a quick scan to all the answers that you have selected to make sure there are no mistakes. Multiple-choice questions can be confusing and one might select a wrong option in haste or just by accident. It is therefore important that you take a final review at your solutions so that you are not losing any marks out of mere accident.
10. Put the Exam in Perspective

Finally, exams are stressful and need a lot of preparations. Sometimes, you are not able to give your best at all times or have other unfortunate circumstances. Its not always in our hands to do what we intend for. And thus, once the exam is over, you should put the exam in perspective. Leave the stress and just wait for the results, you part is over. Always. keep smiling and try learning from your each of your experiences.
These are some of the Tips to keep in mind While you are Writing your Real Estate Exam. These tips will help you give your Exams Stress Free and make sure you Pass your Real Estate Exam in the very first attempt!
Join Alberta Real Estate School for expert help with understanding the concepts of Real Estate and getting uncommon and detailed tutoring sessions personalized as per your needs. Get our personalized Notes designed to get you through the Real Estate Exam in the first attempt! Visit our list of Real Estate Tutoring Sessions for details.
If you have any doubts for Exam Preparation of any of the real estate courses or topics, reach out to us directly at 587.936.7779.
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